Pocket Springs: Boasting a supportive base layer of 2600 pocket springs, each spring works independently to provide tailored support to the parts of the body where you need it most throughout the night.
Tension: As a medium tension, the Relyon Alpaca mattress is ideal for back or side sleepers.
Alpaca Layer: Nestled atop the pocket springs is a luxurious alpaca wool layer, used for its natural softness along with natural thermoregulating properties.
Pashmina Wool: Paired with the alpaca wool layer is a layer of pashmina wool for added comfort, pashmina is known for being the softest and thinnest natural hair, even smoother and softer than cashmere.
Edge Support: With four rows of hand side stitching along with a firm edge support, this extends the sleeping area allowing you to utilize the entire mattress.
Easy Care: As a single-sided mattress, the Alpaca mattress does not require turning, simply rotate your mattress every three months using the built-in turning handles for ease of care.